/ Circuit Alcarras /

/ Circuit Alcarras

Street: Ctra Vallmanya, km 13
Zip code: 25180
Location Coordinates LAT: 41.61829776701851
Location Coordinates LNG: 0.4023313522338867
phone: 973 29 66 17
Number of Events: 28
Number of Organizers: 13
Location Full Name: Circuito de Velocidad de Alcarràs
Location Original Name: Circuit d’Alcarràs

/ Specifications

Racetrack Size: Large
Racetrack Length: 3743 meters
Racetrack Width: 14-15 meters
Left Corners: 10
Right Corners: 4
Total Corners: 14
Longest Straight: 800 meters
Riding Direction: Counterclockwise

/ Location Map